I had a really good day and night yesterday. In the afternoon, Catch and I went into the city to hand ou
t a few resumes, buy fake blood and have a hang around. I took her to Typo and she loved the store just as much as I do and she bought some beautiful lanterns for our loungeroom and some black let
ters and they look RAD:

Last night, Catchy and I went out with our pals Benjamin and Joshua firstly to Lucky Coq on Chapel Street where we enjoyed some gorgeous cider- Old Mout. Benjamin got there first and was sitting in a corner couch waiting for Lauren and I. As we approached Ben, I took a quick glimpse at the people sharing the couch and, would you believe it, two of the gorgeous girls sitting there, I went to high school with on the Gold Coast! I hadn't seen either of them in roughly five-and-a-half years, so it was so so cool to see them. After this, we went to 161, which is a bar. Then we went to a bar Lauren's boss manages called Jett Black and had free champagne and lovely free drink tickets and saw Lauren's lovely work friends, who are lovely and got well drunk. After having a bit of a dance, the merriment of the night took us to St Kilda pier.
Stumbling into a taxi, out of a taxi and down onto the beach, Lauren, Josh, Ben and and I took a walk along the pier. Lauren apparently did a little cartwheel, which
I arrogantly thought I could better. I remember thinking, 'Cool okay I am about in the middle o
f the pier' and running w
ith my hands pronounced high and proud in the sky in anticipation for landing on the pier, but the next thing I remember hearing was this terrific splash and the next thing I remember tasting was terrific salty water. I emerged from underwater so confused, with a vague feeling of gloom and making the best efforts to spot my companions. I wasn't sure whether what had just happened had just happened because all three of them were just staring at me. I trudged of the water, where I met a very proactive Lauren who proc
eeded to pull me out, tell the boys to look the other way, took off my top and put Josh's jumper and her coat on me. God, she's good isn't she? We promptly got a taxi to go home but after realising the gnarly bump on m

I was going to need an operation, but then I didn't anymore and all that. But I am getting quite a lot of enjoyment out of this and so is Lauren. I was supposed to have a job interview this afternoon but I didn't really want to go in all dopey from drugs so I've rescheduled it to Monday. We got home from the hospital at about ten , had an amaaaazing nap for a couple of hours and then went and got some much-needed food from our fave LeRoy Espresso on Acland Street. The sun was warm and it was glorious. I was having a lot of trouble eating but mainly enjoyed my avocado. When the owner of the cafe noticed I'd hurt my arm, she's like, 'Oh babe how'd you do that?!' and I said, 'Oh, cartwheeling off St Kilda Pier into the ocean,' she lost her shit laughing and couldn't talk properly hehehehehe. And this afternoon Lauren was getting a coffee from another of our favourites, Monkey on Carlisle and the guy noticed there too and I was like, 'Ah yes, I cartwheeled off St Kilda Pier right into the ocean,' and he's like, 'Ah yep, that will always getcha.' What a funny story. Safe to say that this is probably the most interesting thing that has ever happened to me and I am loving it.
Might be in the running for a job at Myer in music/DVDs/games YAYYYYYYYY
OK I better go because I have to have a shower and I don't know how to do that with a cast? You put a plastic bag on it, right? See ya folks.

Always rising to a thumbs up challenge.
nice jumper! indeed, I'm glad you rose to the thumbs up challenge and succeeded!
ReplyDeleteI finally feel like i'm living the life of a teenager.