Duhhh, I'm so tired. I had a blast of sad time while I was waiting for my first xray today. There was a very old lady in a wheelchair sitting with her daughter, who was oldish- in her 60s perhaps, and her daughter was looking after her and then another lady who was maybe 50 came walking in with her very fraile mother, holding her hand, and I got sad. So sad, because I find the concept of children looking after their parents so sad and I just don't want to ever have to look after my mummy because she's my mummy and I never want her to die or even get old because I want her to live for as long as I do so I can hang out with her as much as I can because I just love her so much and she's my mum and she rules.

This is me lookin' horror-ific at Lex's horror-themed housewarming party. Loz and I went and hung out at Benjamin's beforehand with our rad long-blonde-haired friend Josh and we got all bloodied up and caught a taxi there. The house was rad and the people were dressed up but the painkillers I was on for my wrist (morphine and codeine) made me not feel myself at all and I could hardly hold a conversation so I bailed on my pals and caught a tram home. I feel bad about it now cause the whole night is sort of a blur now and I didn't say goodbye very well but I suppose I will make it up to my pals soon as I can. I got some gnarly stares on the way home because of all the blood on my face and all that hooplah. I got talking to this super cute couple on the train home, who were in their 50s and lived in Middle Brighton and had been in the city for dinner.
I miss my ma. I have my cast on for six weeks. I'm going to start my 24 hour zine challenge tonight.
green tea with jasmine flowers. conversation overheard on tram GIRL "bubby you should be so fuckin' proud to 'ave a girl like me who can carry a coupla kids for you and still have beautiful skin, feel my skin baby feel how tight it is" GUY "yeah and if you ever go out lookin' like that-" GIRL "you backhand me babe. we're gonna sign up for anger management bubby. cause when you spit in my face in public, people look and think 'oh he don't givva fuck about 'er'"
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