I moved to Melbourne a little over four months ago and now I am a grown up facing the woes of it all. But it's great...
Nah, um, I moved out of home this year and have not had a computer (and have missed it dearly) and blogging on my iPhone is somewhat tedious. So I am currently sitting at my housemate Catchy's work, using her computer and her work's free wireless to create this new blog. Two Coffees In An Hour, because we went to our new favourite cafe, LeRoy on Acland Street yesterday and we both had two coffees in the space of an hour and I felt sick.

This is Catchy just being generally rad and hilarious.
Moving away from home and familiarity is goshdarn difficult- moreso than I had anticipated, but I am really very glad we've done it. It's still real hard with being homesick and all that hooplah but it's worth it because I don't feel the claustrophobia that I felt while living in Canberra- instead I feel completely out in this hug
e open space and I don't really have much direction at the moment, don't really know where I should (or where I want to) go, but it's totally alright.
So what has happened since I moved: got a job at a health food shop, hated workin
g in hospitality, lost my interest in health foods and nutrition, told my boss I was going to start looking for other jobs, got fired for it, had a day of feeling sorry for myself, made a bunch of resume zines, had a coffee at Lauren's work.
Last week we had some cool pals stay with us for a week and we had fun. Catchy and I made a fort for them to sleep under and turned our loungeroom into Under The Sea theme. It was wonderful.

This is us enjoying the fort.
l-r Dashley, Catchy, Badvait, Dazee Pain.
I've been a bit of a zine machine lately, which is nice. I have been feeling a gnarly urge to paint cause I haven't since I moved away, but most of my paint stuff I left at my mum's house and I feel nervous about painting in our carpetted apartment- eek. Maybe my painting urges will get the better of me during m unemployment. Oh karma send me a job.
I'm supposed to be buying Advait's mac from him soonish but seeing as I am a pawper, I think that might be postponed until I can afford it. But when I can, I will probably turn into a blog fiend again. That's when you (who?) can expect more posts from this lady.
Buuuut I think that's that! I'm probably going to leave Lauren's work now and go home and get my clothes out of the washing machine and take them down to the laundromat around the corner and put them in the dryer and hopefully make a zine while I'm waiting a'la Lisa Mitchell or something. Haha. How much will the dryer cost? After drying my clothes, I will walk down to Acland street to hand in some resume zines and then go home and make soup and then go to the gym and then come home and eat soup and clean the apartment. Might sing a little bit too. Bweehee.
Okay, ciao for now.
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