Goodness, things rule! I totally live in Melbourne. I've been havin' some good times.
Last night, Lauren and I went and saw Inception in the city and I know that it was very good but I was left feeling like a huge dummy because all the information overwhelmed me and I got a bit lost. Then we ate grill'd and made our way to the Espy in St Kilda where our pal Josh (Kurt) was playing a gig in the basement. It was a four-part gig; we missed the first band, but saw the second, '(Esc)', who were friggin' rad. I dug their music to the bones. Lauren and I were talking about what it was about their music that made us like it more than other music and I decided that it was because I liked that the guitars made a psychedelic sound and I liked the way the frontman's face looked when he screamed. And Lauren liked the songs that were bass heavy and the clinky guitars. So we really enjoyed their set, and then got super tired during the next band's set, but had a nice chat with people around us. Then Josh's band played and they ruled and it was fun. On the way home, we met a group of pals who had just finished a gig and one of them was totally dreamy and told us about a gig he had on tonight in Brunswick. On the way home after that, Lauren and I talked about what our music would sound like if we made music...curious, verrrry curious.....
So I got to sleeps at three this morning, slept in as much as was possible to ensure I wasn't late for work at 12. I sometimes get a coffee from a cafe around the corner to sip on my walk to work and I had a nice chat with the barista today; it's nice going places more than once. Work was fine, only went for three hours, then I met with my old pal Southwell from Canberra whom I hadn't seen in like a year. I had delicious fruit salad and coffee at LeRoy and we swapped life stories and life plans and it was divine. Had a chat with the wonderful waitresses, signed my cast.
Lauren Catchlove "man, I love mojitos"
What a man.
Tomorrow, I work all day and want to do something tomorrow night. Sunday I am going to see my beautiful friendy Jacqueline. We're going to hang out in Northcote. I've never been there, so that'll be fun.
Oh, I listened to The Drones' album and totally enjoyed it! So much. Gareth's voice drives me totally crazy and I like how the songs sound messy because of his vocals but neat because of, I guess, the arrangement.
I also impulsively bought Bridezilla's new album, The First Dance today in Pure Pop, and listened to it tonight and totally dug it as well. The album art is beautiful:

and so is every member of the band:

I also almost bought a Dick Diver EP which came with a 7" vinyl but, really, I have no use for vinyl so I decided against it. But I am re-considering it. We saw them play at the Birmingham Hotel when Tim, Advait and Ashley were staying with us last month and we really, really liked them: incentive to buy CD.
Any way. I'm just having a totally gay time.
Yeah, Esc are mad-cool...and every member of Bridezilla is a babe
ReplyDeleteOh! Hi Josh.