Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Tribe Called Quest - Check The Rhime

I'm sitting here learning the lyrics to Check The Rhime. Phife's part is easier than Q-Tip's.

I've been having the loveliest times lately, hence the lack of posts I suppose.
I've been eating lots of breakfasts. I went to my friend's looovely coast house for a day and it was relaxing and really nice. We had party this weekend to celebrate us signing our lease for another year in our apartment. It was a whole lot of fun. I'm doing a no-drinking thing for a month so I didn't drink but I did make at least 8 or 9 litres of punch and was told that it was delicious. And I had a really rad time. Made a great playlist if I say so myself. The party went until six in the mowning a'la Gin & Juice cause our friend Alex finished work in the city at 5 and we had to stay up to greet him. By that time, my friend was asleep in my bed, and in the lounge room was me, Lauren, Yasmin and two friends-of-a-friend and as soon as Alex arrived, we had a No Pants Party and played pantsless Uno. Good times!
Last night I caught up with some old old friends in the city and it was unexpectedly really really really fun. Pretty much didn't stop laughing for five hours. Hanging out with old friends who are in town for just a weekend always gives me a really nice refresher and makes me appreciate moving to Melbourne all over again.

I'm not working very much and need to get another job and save or something. I'm having lots of fun for now. I'm starting to bum out a little bit because all my girlfriends are preparing to go back to uni now and it reminds me how I'm not studying which still really SUCKS.

When I was on school holidays in primary school (nerd confession) when I was bored at home I would make a schedule for my whole day and set projects for myself and deadlines of homework and stuff that had to be ready at certain times of the day and have a special time for little lunch and big lunch and it was really fun. Maybe I'll do that this year. Maybe I'll set essays and assignments for myself. DISCIPLINE!

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