but I have started a new, 30-day blog.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
cool words
You're a beautiful and violent work
with a skinny neck of a chinese bird
in a fading ancient painting
Friday, April 1, 2011
Phony con carne.
I planned to do go see a few shows that have opened up during the past couple of days today but then decided I couldn't be shitted going into the city so then I planned to do a crapload of nothing today. And I did that, but feel strangely unfulfilled. I wonder why... I did just make a vegetarian chilli con carne which I feel is a bit of a fake because all it is is canned tomatoes, mexican chilli beans, more beans, corn, peas and spices and curry powder. Is that a phony con carne? I don't know.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sleeping is making me ache now. This is awesome. My cheap crappo futon bed already would induce wah complaints from anyone I shared it with because it's so lumpy and hard and I never denied that it was lumpy and hard! I just preferred it over my single mattress because it's a double and I sleep like a starfish. But srsly doods. Lately, I have been trying to sleep and have literally ended up with red marks on my hip from it pressing against the mattress. That's not coo'. Last night I slept not good and today I feel like I have swam a marathon. When I haven't.
I feel pathetic for all of the reasons there are to feel pathetic this day.
And I love The Cool Kids and Midlake.
Monday, March 14, 2011
The worst part is over now, get back on that horse and ride
The title is no reference to anything tonight, friends. Just listenin' to The Shins is all.
Ahh. I have done a couple of shifts in 1000 Pound Bend Gallery over the past few days. It's been nice surrounding myself in local art and 'needing' to be up to date on the happy haps of the exhibition scene in Melbourne. Today after my shift, Lauren and I went to a pop up cafe by Broadsheet. Broadsheet is a Melbourne zine of sorts, I'm not sure how often it's published, but it's basically a 'what's going on in Melbourne re food, coffee, art, shopping' and it's a good read always. Like a little newspaper but with exciting stuff. So they had a pop up cafe in the city as part of Melbourne Food And Wine Festival and it was virtually a collaboration of Melbourne's best coffee blends. It was open for 14 days (today was the second last day-lucky) and each day they would have a different blend, like Seven Seeds or Proud Mary, Dead Man's Espresso etc. Today was Market Lane. Market Lane is a famous coffee shop at Prahran Market off Chapel Street and they roast their own coffee and junk. And it was a delicious coffee. And a rad set up. We took a photo of each of us on Lauren's disposable to use up the last couple of shots.
There is so much on. I think that this Thursday I'm going to go to see City of Paranoia at the Croft Institute. City of Paranoia is a film about London street art and the Croft Institute is a bar down an alleyway off Little Bourke Street in the city and it's themed like a high school science lab. I've been meaning to venture there since I moved to Melbourne but haven't yet. I think this may be my chance, folks.
Tonight I ate lots of red grapes.
I bought a couple of pullovers tonight for $9 each- a marle grey one and a lilac one and I'm going to screenprint on them tomorrow night, but I'm not sure what quite yet. I'm thinking
Or an homage to one of my all time favourite RnB songs of the '90s, No Diggity by Blackstreet:
[front] no diggity
[back] no doubt
I'm wearing the grey jumper now and it is getting me so, so psyched for winter. I know I will definitely complain about it being so cold once winter actually hits, but I really quite enjoy dressing for winter. And also I like soup.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Everyone, I love tea.

In other news, Summer has well and truly wound down. Most of my peeps are back at uni now, the weekdays are less full and were, for a second, becoming a little monotonous. But I saved that. More on that later.
I've been doing some cool stuff lately. Last week my friends Mikael and Liam hosted a now monthly event called Foovies- food and movie/s at their place. They live out in a big house which is connected to a school where Mikael's parents teach international students. Last time we got merry on tequila but I've been having an alcohol-free 30 days, which finishes up on March 13, so I didn't drink at this Foovies but it was equally as fun. This time we got to hang out in the school. We had the whole property to ourselves pretty much, which was completely awesome. It felt like, did you ever love primary school so much and being around your friends at school was so awesome that you sometimes wanted to sleep over at the school with everyone? Well it was like doing that! It was just a maze of different classrooms with desks and whiteboards and linoleum and posters. So strange. So all the boys got really drunk and loud and vomitty and I got three hours sleep. It was fun.
I've attended a few dinner parties with my Eagle girls and made some delicious salad and just generally had a loud, excited time.
A couple weeks ago we had a party to celebrate us signing the lease on our apartment for another year and we had so much fun! Lots of singing and rapping and punch. Lots of punch for everyone. But not this sober sally.

So anyway you guys, I got a srs case of the boredoms during the first week of everyone going back to uni. I found myself completely disposable to everyone; just sitting around working 15 hours waiting for someone to maybe call and ask if I could cover their shift and jumping at the chance just for something to do. So I got sort of active and applied for a job to be an usher at The Arts Centre and asked to volunteer at a cafe/bar/raw art space in the city called 1000 Pound Bend and applied for a copywriting job to do on the side. So I have my first shift at 1000 Pound on Sunday morning and am really excited. I'll be manning the gallery, selling the artwork and generally saying hi to everyone. I'm so excited to meet people and be surrounded by peeps who are stimulated by the same thing I am. On Sunday there are markets on in the art space where people sell vintage goods, clothes, shoes, cheese, photography, lamps, anything. So it should be really fun.
I had a group interview for the usher job yesterday and it was pretty fun meeting people, but it was really hard to tell how well I went. There were about 30 people in the interview and all of the interviewees were really pokerfaced about it all. I know that it didn't go badly at all, but it's just a matter of whether there were lots of other people who are better equipped for the job than I. Fingers crossed!
Last night, I went to the semi final round of Secret Wars, an underground street art battle held between two street artists. They have 90 minutes, one blank panel, black textas and black paint and they let loose on the panels and are judged by two secret judges hidden in the audience and whoever wins advances to the next round. I saw the last round in January, which was a battle between Drewfunk and Braddock and Drewfunk came out on top. He's a Malaysian artist who does a fair bit of street art around Melbourne and works in Blender Studios in the city. But last night he was against an artist called Ken Taylor who is a graphic designer also and has designed a bunch of tour posters for the likes of Bob Dylan and Sonic Youth and Ken Taylor did this rad painting of a vulture waiting to feast and then in this awesome gothic script he wrote 'and the great bird waited to feast on the bones of drewfunk'. It killed. My bottom is seriously sore tonight though from sitting on cement for four hours last night. urg.

I went to the St Kilda esplanade markets tonight with my friends Callum, Katie and Sarah. I know Callum from college in Canberra, actually. We met a
t the aftercast for the play I directed because he was friends with my actors and then we saw each other at college after that a bit. Then at my party, he randomly turned up. He's moved down to Melbourne to go to RMIT and is friends with my friend's sister who lives down here now too. Funny. So we wandered around the markets which was lovely and then had dinner and lots of laughs.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A Tribe Called Quest - Check The Rhime
I'm sitting here learning the lyrics to Check The Rhime. Phife's part is easier than Q-Tip's.
I've been having the loveliest times lately, hence the lack of posts I suppose.
I've been eating lots of breakfasts. I went to my friend's looovely coast house for a day and it was relaxing and really nice. We had party this weekend to celebrate us signing our lease for another year in our apartment. It was a whole lot of fun. I'm doing a no-drinking thing for a month so I didn't drink but I did make at least 8 or 9 litres of punch and was told that it was delicious. And I had a really rad time. Made a great playlist if I say so myself. The party went until six in the mowning a'la Gin & Juice cause our friend Alex finished work in the city at 5 and we had to stay up to greet him. By that time, my friend was asleep in my bed, and in the lounge room was me, Lauren, Yasmin and two friends-of-a-friend and as soon as Alex arrived, we had a No Pants Party and played pantsless Uno. Good times!
Last night I caught up with some old old friends in the city and it was unexpectedly really really really fun. Pretty much didn't stop laughing for five hours. Hanging out with old friends who are in town for just a weekend always gives me a really nice refresher and makes me appreciate moving to Melbourne all over again.
I'm not working very much and need to get another job and save or something. I'm having lots of fun for now. I'm starting to bum out a little bit because all my girlfriends are preparing to go back to uni now and it reminds me how I'm not studying which still really SUCKS.
When I was on school holidays in primary school (nerd confession) when I was bored at home I would make a schedule for my whole day and set projects for myself and deadlines of homework and stuff that had to be ready at certain times of the day and have a special time for little lunch and big lunch and it was really fun. Maybe I'll do that this year. Maybe I'll set essays and assignments for myself. DISCIPLINE!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Stupid Dumb

Feeling like an angry vegetarian this night. Just watched Matt Preston make an ass of himself on Good News Week saying that he ate whale and then went on to say "Don't ever eat it, it was gross, and the guilt that comes with eating it..." And then within a matter of seconds went on to say how everyone should have 'pig' in their fridge and then explained how some stupid fuckin chef somewhere makes a great cut of pig's cheek dipped in sugar or some shit. Ohhhhh, get a clue Velvet Preston. You were so cool before this idiotic encounter. So ignorant and fucking lazy really; you would think someone of his status would be more informed in this particular area. I don't care if he eats organic; it still is an animal. Oh fools, fools!
Apart from this, I've had a really cool week.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hey boyfriend! You should come over and watch movies with me tonight.
Oh that's right, my mistake, YOU DON'T EXIST!!!
Recently I have been fine thanks, readers. Been having coffee in new cafes and spending money I shouldn't, and dreaming about my bearded boyfriend who is my boyfriend but doesn't know it ;) And working from home writing articles for the internet.
Oh, I got into art school! Which is cool. But I can't go until 2012 because of money woes, which is crap. But I got a place, yeeee! In the mean time I'm going to do everything I can to make this year fly.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Are we gone? (Yeah) Come on yeah, we know we're gone.
Take all your reasons and take them away, to the middle of nowhere and on your way home
Throw from your window your record collection
They all run together and never make sense
But that's how we like it and that's all we want:
Something to cry for and something to hunt.
It's a little too late, too late, too late for this
Isn't it a little too late for this?
Isn't it a little too late for this?
You know you had a permanent piece
Of my medium-sized American heart.
So don't wear your watch when you're out with the cunts
You can break what you have but the rest of it's mine.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Have been having some good times and spending too much money lately.
Yesterday I had a fight with a vacuum cleaner, drank some tequila at our friend Mikael and Liam's house and lay on the concrete until 3 this morning listening to Dr Dre and Bon Iver.
Today I watched Misfits, fell asleep, got groceries, and went to watch the 7pm Project filmed with Joel and Ashley. And it's all been good; must stop spending money.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Yesterday afternoon, I made my own version of a Selby for our apartment and it was just too much fun. I still am yet to have it printed, because it's going to cost me a bomb, but it's going to be the largest zine I've made so far- 20 A4 pages. In colour. Oh lordy. It's called Number 23. And will be on lovely gloss matte paper. And will be available on my zine blog when I've put it all togeth! You can place orders there now though.
Today, I'm gonna go get a coffee from Monk Bodhi Dharma in Balaclava for two reasons: had my first good coffee of theirs yesterday, and spy on cute barista. Then I'm gonna go collect a roll of film I had developed from Snake Valley. And then maybe venture all the way up to Northcote to have a coffee with Zoe and go to At Large Gallery and then perchance will make my way out to Life Drawing tonight with Ashley 'cause I haven't been in arrrrges. Saving money is so way hard.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year

It's a new year! Woohoo. Lauren and I brought in 2011 with the most amazing company. We were at a music festival of sorts 2 hours out of Melbourne in the valley at our friend Siobhan's property. Picture a forest, with a clearing, with a shack similar to that of Ron Weasley's house, with 20 glittery people, strobe lights, big gnarly speakers, and a ground trampoline. It was THE best. Just a whole heap of fun. A personal highlight being me and Lauren's rendition of The Shoop Song by Salt 'n' Pepa. For everyone to enjoy. Heh.
So anyway. You guys. I made my list of
goals to reach in 2011.
- go overseas: New Zealand, Nepal, India
- save some money
- learn more German
- go vegan for a week
- travel more of Australia
- make an American Indian score
All very doable and so I'll get those done.
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