I have a fucking fever for Yoni Wolf at the moment. I recently scammed Alopecia and Eskimo Snow from Lauren and have physically not been able to stop listening to them since. There are so many things I want to acknowledge about his writing but I haven't had anyone to talk at and it's driving me a bit crazy. I just want to talk to Yoni himself and tell him that I like the way he writes and ask him a million questions about his process and how embarrassed he is to talk about particular songs and observe his mannerisms and the way he talks. His words are so honest and blunt and primitive that it gives that sense of, 'Yeah, exactly...why didn't I write that?' For example, "Ashamed of sleep, I lie when a phone call wakes me" It's like, of course you lie when a phone call wakes you, but the sentence sits so nicely that it feels as if no one has ever worded it like that before.
"It feels exciting touching your handwriting/getting horny by reading it and repeating poor me"
"In one of the many places you're not, I am"
"I'll go unknown by torpedo or Crohn's/only evil live to see their own likeness in stone/my brother said that"
"I curse the last six months I've been hiding behind a moustache, yeah"
"What should these earnest hands be holding? Mom am I failing or worse?"
I want to know what, "Like the first time you used soft water/down on my luck" means.
Man. Need to comb out lyrics. He is too smart. Need to talk to him. Also, he's a looker.
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